Starting 2024
Jan 30, 2024
In 2023 we published a blog post on ‘investment conundrums’ for the second half of the year. These are pretty much still in place, so we do want to bother you with another of these many research publications banks and asset managers publish at the beginning of a new year.
Two of our bullet points need an update:
- With Evergrande filing chapter 11, the oversized Chinese real estate sector has eventually begun its new year’s diet and it will be long shrink-to-fit journey. The effects on the global economy and global real estate are discussed by market experts. It would be naïve to assume there will be none. But the local focus of the exposure will mostly hit China in the first place, the repercussions in the Chinese financial system may have some reflection in the global capital markets. However, the track record of the Chinese government to handle such crises and their will to become an attractive global place of finance gives hope of a limited shake-up instead of an earthquake.
- The US interest rate curve is not inverted anymore and the economic outlook has turned from a recession shadow to a sunnier picture
All other bullets are pretty much in place with no fundamental change: on the negative side the Ukraine war is still on, the interest rate outlook is somewhat more benign, but inflation is far from being tackled, Chinese growth is lacking despite the figures they publish, Germany is in recession. On the positive side equity markets are still surprisingly strong with stocks being assessed as not cheap, but not overpriced either, investors look out for opportunities and technological quantum leaps in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, new robotics and bioscience offer great returns in the future. So, read that blog post again if you like to get our recommendations on how to position yourself as an investor in these interesting times.
We have started the year with many activities not reflected on our website, as they focus on specific client groups that we cannot share. But the first guided Nextgen Masterclass 2024 will start on February 19. If you want to invest in your wealth organization, improving structure, robustness, efficiency and success, make sure you sign up. If you still have questions about the content and the return for you – please talk to us and we will be happy to answer your questions.
All the best for this challenging year,
The BeeWyzer Team
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